Monday, April 22, 2013

Hacking the Trend Micro Security Dashboard for SMB: Reset the Password

Trend Micro’s Client Server Security for SMB is a well-designed security solution for small businesses. One of its greatest features is the ability to be deployed, updated, and controlled via the local network. With the push of a button you can scan all networked computers, increase security, send messages or print reports.
I’ve recently taken over the role of administrator for a company and unfortunately the Trend Micro passwords were lost.
Fear not, there is a simple method to resetting the password (too easy?)
1.       Navigate to: \Program Files\Trend Micro\security server(officescan)\private
2.       Open ofcserver.ini in Notepad
3.       Press CTRL-F to search for: master_pwd
4.       Once found, the string should look similar to: master_pwd=!CRYPT!xxxxx
5.       xxxxx is representative of a long string of hex characters making up an encrypted password
6.       In place of !CRYPT!xxxxx put “70″ so it will look like: master_pwd=70
7.       70 is the hexadecimal value for “1″
8.       Save the file
9.       Press Start -> Run -> Type: services.msc and press enter
10.    Find “Trend Micro Security Server Master Service” and restart the service
11.    Login to the Trend Micro Security Dashboard with the password as “1″ without the quotations

12.    The default URL for the dashboard is: https://IPADDRESS:4343/officescan/default_SMB.htm

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